
At Chhokar Clinic, we offer a wide array of specialized services designed to comprehensively address all aspects of cardiac health.

Using advanced ultrasound technology, our echocardiogram allows for detailed imaging of the heart’s structure and function, aiding in the diagnosis and monitoring of various cardiac conditions.

This specialized test combines echocardiography with exercise or medication-induced stress to evaluate the heart’s response to increased workload, helping to identify coronary artery disease and assess cardiac function under stress.

This specialized test combines echocardiography with exercise or medication-induced stress to evaluate the heart’s response to increased workload, helping to identify coronary artery disease and assess cardiac function under stress.

Tilt-table testing helps diagnose syncope (fainting) by monitoring changes in heart rate and blood pressure as the body’s position is changed from horizontal to vertical.

Our comprehensive peripheral vascular disease testing includes non-invasive studies such as carotid duplex ultrasound and ankle-brachial index measurement to evaluate blood flow and detect blockages in the peripheral arteries.

Carotid duplex imaging assesses blood flow in the carotid arteries, helping to diagnose and monitor conditions such as carotid artery stenosis and atherosclerosis.

Utilizing minimally invasive techniques, cardiac catheterization allows for the evaluation of heart function and the diagnosis of coronary artery disease and other cardiac conditions through the insertion of a catheter into the heart’s blood vessels.

Our electrophysiology studies evaluate the heart’s electrical activity and rhythm, aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias and other electrical disturbances of the heart.

Holter monitoring involves the continuous recording of the heart’s electrical activity over a period of time, typically 24 to 48 hours, to detect irregularities in heart rhythm and diagnose conditions such as atrial fibrillation.

This non-invasive test measures blood pressure in the ankles and arms to assess peripheral arterial disease and evaluate circulation in the lower extremities.

EECP therapy is a non-invasive treatment option for patients with angina and coronary artery disease, involving the use of inflatable cuffs on the legs to improve blood flow to the heart.